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LFEK017 Nene H “Trifecta” EP Vinyl

On Trifecta Nene H is paying her respects to three cities that have shaped and inspired her. 

A1 Ring the Sirän is a salute to Istanbul and to her passion project where she gives everything she got to elevate the scene in Istanbul and be part of something where she can give back to the community.

A2 Fukken Lie is for Berlin, lyrics are written and spoken by Nik Mantilla. It is a very humorous reality of the scene in which she operates and as simple as it sometimes gets , it at the same time allowed her to express herself and shaped her personality to unapologetically be her, with the help of her community. 

B1 Hold Ud, Skat! is to pay homage to Copenhagen Scene, the city that adopted the lost child in Nene H and inspired her. Feeling accepted and belonged somewhere is how she felt without asking for it. She learned a lot from the community there as well. 

All tracks mixed by Sugar

Sale price€15